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Shopify Plus: Email Marketing and Abandoned Cart Recovery

Abandoned cart recovery is a crucial aspect of email marketing for any online business. According to a recent study, around 70% of all online shopping carts are abandoned without completing the purchase. This means that potential customers have already shown interest in your products, but for some reason, haven’t made a purchase. As an online business owner, you definitely don’t want to miss out on this revenue potential. This is where Shopify Plus comes into play.

Shopify Plus is an advanced version of the popular eCommerce platform Shopify. It is specifically designed for large and fast-growing companies. This platform offers a number of features to help you convert abandoned carts into actual purchases. Let’s take a look at some ways you can use Shopify Plus for abandoned cart recovery in your email marketing strategy.

Automated Email Sequences: One of the most effective ways to recover abandoned carts is by sending automated email sequences. With Shopify Plus, you can set up automated emails that trigger when a customer abandons their cart. These emails can contain personalized messages and incentives such as discounts or free shipping to entice the customer to complete their purchase.

Personalization: Shopify Plus allows you to personalize your email communications based on customer behavior, such as the products they have added to their cart. This level of personalization makes your emails more relevant and increases the likelihood that a customer will come back to complete their purchase.

A/B Testing: Shopify Plus allows you to test different versions of your email campaigns to see which one performs better. This feature is particularly useful when it comes to abandoned cart recovery because it allows you to test different subject lines, call-to-action buttons, and email layouts to find the most effective combination.

Customer Segmentation: By segmenting your customers based on their behavior, you can create targeted email campaigns. With Shopify Plus, you can segment customers who have abandoned their cart and send them personalized emails with specific messages, such as a reminder of the products they abandoned or a limited-time offer to encourage them to complete their purchase.

Integration with Shopify Apps: Shopify Plus also offers integrations with several third-party apps that can improve your email marketing efforts. For example, you can use email list building, email retargeting, and social media retargeting apps to bring back potential customers who have abandoned their shopping cart.

Ready to grow on Shopify Plus? Silk Can Help.