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Shopify Plus API: Exploring App Development

Building apps with the Shopify Plus API is a powerful way to increase your business productivity and create apps that can take your business to the next level. With a wide range of features and functionality, the Shopify Plus API can help businesses build apps that integrate and create a seamless connection between a Shopify Plus store and their users.

The Shopify Plus API consists of two separate parts: the Core API, which is used to create new data entries in your store, and the Storefront API, which is designed to provide richer and customized features for Shopify stores.

The Core API is the core structure of Shopify Plus and gives developers access to a variety of customer, product, and order data. Developers have access to customer data such as name, address and email address, product data such as description, price, photos, and more, and store information such as store domain name and email addresses. The core API also provides a set of webhooks so developers can view and act on changes to customer, product, and order data in the store.

Storefront API, on the other hand, goes a step further and allows developers to design custom apps with the look and feel of a Shopify Plus store. This API provides the ability to access and change data used in your store, including products, customers, inventory, discounts, and more. This API also allows developers to create fully customized payment or order management pages, as well as custom front-end and back-end pages.

With the Shopify Plus API, developers have the ability to create a more personalized and integrated eCommerce experience tailored to the needs of the store. With advanced features like Core API and Storefront API, developers can easily create more efficient applications that not only improve user experience, but also help increase sales and productivity. For businesses looking to take their store to the next level, building apps with the Shopify Plus API is definitely the way to go.

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