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Provide Custom Catalogs for Wholesale Groups in Shopify Plus

Shopify Plus is a powerful platform that allows eCommerce store owners to deliver customized catalogs to different groups of wholesale customers. With Shopify Plus, store owners can create different catalogs for each customer group, making it easier to manage product prices and availability. By creating custom catalogs, store owners can offer exclusive discounts and special offers, as well as special products.

To create custom catalogs, store owners must first set up wholesale customer groups in the Shopify Plus admin panel. This allows you to create separate customer groups, such as “retailers”, “wholesalers”, “club members”, or any other customer group you want to target.

Once customer groups are created, store owners can begin creating custom catalogs for each customer group. Customers from different customer groups can access catalogs when they log in to their store account.

To ensure that only customers in the respective group can access the catalog, store operators must configure user roles and permissions. Using user roles, you can assign different levels of access depending on your customer group, such as the ability to view product prices or purchase products.

Another Shopify Plus feature that is important for custom cataloging is product tagging. Product tagging allows you to group products into specific custom categories and set visibility rules for each customer group. This makes it easy to create separate catalogs for different customer groups and allows store owners to offer individual discounts and special offers to each group.

Finally, store owners can set taxes for each group of customers. This feature allows you to set different tax rates for different customer groups. This makes it easier to adapt to different tax laws and regulations for international clients.

In short, Shopify Plus offers a powerful platform for creating custom catalogs for different customer groups. With user role features, product tagging, and tax settings, store owners can create custom catalogs that offer exclusive discounts and special offers for each group.

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