2.5 minute read

Availability of Shopify Flow

Shopify Flow is a powerful automation tool designed to simplify the daily tasks of merchants on the Shopify platform. This is a highly requested feature that has proven to be revolutionary for eCommerce companies.

However, many people may be wondering whether Shopify Flow is available to all Shopify users or if it is only available to those on the Shopify Plus plan. To answer this question, let’s look at the details of Shopify Flow and its availability on various Shopify plans.

First, let’s understand what exactly Shopify Flow is. It is an automation platform that allows traders to create workflows and automate tasks based on a series of triggers and actions. These workflows can save salespeople a lot of time by automating repetitive tasks and streamlining their daily processes.

Now let’s get to the main question: Is Shopify Flow available on all Shopify plans, or only Shopify Plus? The answer to this question is that Shopify Flow is currently only available on the Shopify Plus plan. This means that merchants with Shopify Basic, Shopify, and Advanced plans do not have access to this feature.

The reason for this is simple: Shopify Plus is the most advanced and expensive plan of all the plans offered by Shopify. It is intended for wholesalers who need advanced functions and tools to effectively manage their business. The inclusion of Shopify Flow in this plan further enhances its appeal and makes it a popular choice for growing eCommerce businesses.

However, that doesn’t mean that merchants with other plans can’t automate their tasks on Shopify. They can still use third-party apps or Shopify alternatives like Zapier or Integromat to automate their workflows. These tools offer similar functionality to Shopify Flow and are also available to merchants with lower-end plans.

Overall, Shopify Flow is an incredibly useful tool for merchants, but it’s currently only available to those on the Shopify Plus plan. Still, any trader can automate their tasks using other tools available on the market. Before you choose the right plan for your eCommerce store on Shopify, consider your business needs and budget.

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