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Simplifying Product Management: ECC and Ecommerce

Epicor Commerce Connect (ECC) is a product management solution designed to simplify the product management process. It offers an integrated solution to manage all products, opens channels for product variants, and gives customers a single point of access. In addition, the system provides analysis and information, allowing users to monitor product performance in near real time.

The Epicor Commerce Connect platform enables businesses to effectively manage their products across multiple channels with a unified interface. ECC offers features such as inventory visibility, advanced pricing and promotions, customer self-service, and order management. This provides users with an efficient and easy way to organize to store, manage and distribute products in a variety of ways. ECC also enables seamless eCommerce integration, allowing users to manage products across multiple marketplaces without having to switch systems. This helps companies get a unified view of their products across different channels.

This integration also helps reduce customer bounce rates due to out-of-date information and slow load times. Additionally, ECC orchestration helps to allow customers to use different payment methods for cross-border transactions and to enable payments in local currency. The Epicor Commerce Connect suite also enables companies to provide a better customer experience by enabling personalized VIP accounts, tracking and controlling product orders, and customizing product information pages. This gives customers a streamlined shopping experience, which only increases sales.

Epicor Commerce Connect is an intuitive and powerful platform that simplifies product management and helps eCommerce businesses reach potential customers quickly and conveniently. With the flexibility and customization options it offers, it gives companies in the eCommerce and product management industries an edge.

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