3 minute read

Plan and Succeed with Epicor and Ecommerce Integration

Integrating an eCommerce website with Epicor is a requirement for any business operating online. The integration can be a complex process and requires careful planning. Here is a short guide on how to make the most of it:

The process begins with configuring the Epicor system and continues with the integration of the website into the Epicor system. By combining both systems, companies can benefit from a complete and up-to-date system that covers many aspects of their business processes. The first step in planning your eCommerce and Epicor integration is to determine the scope of the integration. This includes understanding Epicor system features and their relationship to the customer website, order processing, customer service, and inventory management. It is important to consider the functionality of both systems as well as the integration process itself. A clear integration roadmap and timeline not only helps ensure the integration is completed successfully, but also allows the customer to clearly see the expected results.

The next step is to choose the right eCommerce platform and explore the features and scalability that the system offers. This allows companies to determine their needs and choose the right system for their integration. Additionally, organizations must consider the cost of the platform and the impact on their budget. After choosing the right system, it is important to plan and configure the settings to ensure a successful integration.

Once the Epicor system and eCommerce platform are set up, the integration process can begin. This process includes configuring the system, linking the website to the Epicor system, and testing to ensure that all system links and configurations are correct and working properly. At the end of this process, companies can expect to have an integrated system that provides a seamless workflow from the website to Epicor’s system.

When companies take the time to properly plan the integration between Epicor and an eCommerce site, they can benefit from a fully integrated system. This integration can lead to greater efficiency and accuracy for businesses by eliminating the need to manually enter orders and manage customer service and inventory levels. Additionally, by streamlining the process, companies can reduce overhead costs and maximize profits.

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