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Maximizing Catalog Efficiency with Epicor Commerce Connect

Today, more companies than ever are using eCommerce solutions for their business. Advanced catalog management with Epicor Commerce Connect (ECC) for eCommerce is the ultimate solution for managing these digital storefronts.

Epicor Commerce Connect provides customers with advanced catalog management capabilities that help businesses manage their digital product catalogs quickly and efficiently. With ECC, customers have access to a comprehensive set of tools to create, update, and delete digital products and product groups. These products and product groups can then be easily managed through the system, allowing customers to efficiently manage their entire digital product catalogue.

Epicor Commerce Connect’s advanced catalog management capabilities provide customers with custom search filters. Using these search filters, customers can quickly find and filter the products they are looking for while gaining insight into product categories and product prices. This helps customers quickly find and buy exactly the products they need, or to further personalize their purchase. Additionally, customers can easily track product updates across all connected digital storefronts.

ECC is the best solution for businesses looking to manage their digital product catalogs effectively and efficiently. With Epicor Commerce Connect, customers have access to a number of advanced catalog management features to help them efficiently manage their digital product catalogs. This helps customers quickly find and buy exactly the products they need while providing insight into product categories and product prices.

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