2 minute read

Error Reduction with Epicor ECC Workflows

In the current era of digital transformation, companies must remain vigilant to make their processes as efficient as possible. Error reduction plays an important role. With Epicor Commerce Connect (ECC), companies can reduce errors and accelerate order fulfillment across their digital channels.

ECC is a solution that can help businesses design and optimize critical product ordering and data sharing processes. It works with tools that allow users to easily create process flows, so employees don’t have to spend time manually entering each transaction step. Having a workflow helps companies easily design order flows for the entire customer lifecycle, including: purchases, order status notifications, returns processing, and customer relationship management.

The automated system further helps to reduce errors through real-time monitoring. Businesses can set up ECC to track order statuses and support various steps in the process, such as payment, shipping, and inventory management. This makes it easy to track orders, identify exceptions, and take immediate action.

ECC also provides businesses with customizable data rules and formula applications. This allows agents to quickly set rules and fulfillment criteria and automatically activate notifications when orders meet the required conditions. By automating processes with ECC, companies can save time and money and reduce errors.

ECC is a great solution for companies to reduce errors and ensure their processes run as efficiently as possible. The system’s intuitive graphical interface, customizable data rules, and automated monitoring enable companies to develop more efficient processes that will increase their competitiveness in an ever-changing market.

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