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Epicor P21 Invoice Lookup Feature: Accessing History

As companies adapt to the increasing digitization of processes, more and more companies are turning to customer portals to optimize their operations. One such customer portal is Epicor P21, which has an advanced invoice search function. However, a question often arises as to whether customers can use this feature and gain access to historical invoices after a certain period of time. To answer this question, let’s first take a look at what the invoice search feature in P21 actually does.

This feature allows customers to view and print current invoices, as well as search for specific invoices based on various criteria such as date, invoice number, and customer order number. It also enables some basic features such as viewing invoice details and the ability to view invoices in different currencies. When it comes to access to historical invoices, the answer is yes and no.

Yes, customers can certainly access past invoices using the invoice search feature, but there are some limitations. The invoices available for viewing depend on the specific configuration and configuration of the customer portal. This means that the time frame for accessing historical invoices may vary from company to company.

In some cases, customers may have access to all invoices from the moment they create an account with the company. However, it may happen that the company limits access to a specific period of time and, for example, allows customers to view only invoices for the current or previous year. This restriction is often introduced to improve system performance and make it easier for customers to find the invoices they are looking for.

Another factor that may affect the availability of historical invoices is the archiving process. In Epicor P21, invoices can be archived after a specified period of time to reduce database size and improve system performance. Once an invoice has been archived, it can no longer be viewed in the invoice search engine. However, customers can still request the recovery of archived invoices by contacting the company’s customer service.

In summary, although the Epicor P21 Customer Portal provides access to historical invoices, access time frames may vary depending on various factors. To avoid confusion and frustration, it is important that companies clearly inform customers about the limitations and configuration of the invoice search feature. Additionally, with the ability to recover archived invoices, customers can continue to access older invoices when needed.

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