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Epicor P21: B2B Order Replenishment with Automation

In today’s dynamic business world, efficiency is essential. To meet customer demands, every second, minute and hour counts. This is where effective ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) software, such as Epicor P21, comes in handy. With advanced features and capabilities, Epicor P21 enables companies to streamline processes and increase productivity. One of the key benefits of Epicor P21 is the ability to automate B2B order replenishment, helping companies ensure smooth and efficient business operations.

What exactly is B2B order fulfillment and how does Epicor P21 enable it?

B2B order replenishment is the process of automatically requesting new inventory from a supplier based on previously defined inventory levels. This is a key aspect of any B2B business as it ensures that inventory is always available to fulfill customer orders. Before the advent of ERP software, this process was performed manually, resulting in errors and delays. However, with Epicor P21, companies can now take advantage of B2B order auto-filling, saving time and resources and improving accuracy.

One of the key ways Epicor P21 enables automated B2B order fulfillment is through its inventory management system. The software allows companies to set minimum and maximum inventory levels for each product based on historical data and current market demand. When the inventory level drops below the minimum threshold, the system automatically generates an order and sends it to the supplier. This eliminates the need for manual intervention and ensures that sufficient stock is always available to meet customer requirements.

Additionally, Epicor P21’s automated B2B order fulfillment is also paired with the software’s advanced forecasting capabilities. By analyzing past sales data and market trends, the software can accurately predict future product demand and trigger replenishment orders accordingly. This not only ensures that companies have enough inventory to fulfill orders, but also minimizes excess inventory, reduces costs, and increases profitability.

On top of streamlining the ordering process, Epicor P21 also provides real-time visibility into inventory levels, enabling companies to monitor inventory levels and make informed decisions. The software also integrates with supplier systems, enabling seamless communication and collaboration for efficient B2B order fulfillment.

Need to Sync Orders and Pricing Between your Epicor P21 ERP and your eCommerce Store?