2 minute read

Boosting Efficiency with B2B Shopping Lists on Epicor ECC Websites

Businesses today are constantly having to find ways to increase the efficiency of purchasing goods with the least amount of effort and the best results. This is facilitated by Epicor Commerce Connect (ECC) websites, which offer businesses the ability to create B2B shopping lists to make shopping more convenient and efficient.

B2B shopping lists are web-based lists that act like electronic shopping cart systems. Adding items to a B2B shopping list allows businesses to keep track of all their purchases, making it efficient to purchase from multiple vendors without having to create multiple separate lists. ECC websites allow businesses to save time by adding items to their B2B shopping list quickly and easily in one place. In addition, the B2B shopping list feature on ECC websites gives businesses the ability to quickly and easily view the items they have added to their lists, as well as access pricing and promotional information, all from a single platform. This allows businesses to compare vendors, find the best prices and discounts, and purchase the best products for their business.

The B2B shopping list feature on ECC websites also offers features that make it easy to track and manage inventory. With this feature, businesses can set up alerts, receive inventory notifications, and generate detailed schedule reports so they know when to replenish their inventory. This helps businesses stay on top of their inventory needs and prevents them from overbuying or running out of stock.

This feature is a powerful tool for improving efficiency and helping businesses shop more efficiently. By simplifying the purchasing process, companies can save time and money and make smarter business decisions.

Kickstart your B2B eCommerce journey today.