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Boosting Conversions with Epicor ERP and BigCommerce

It’s no secret that increasing online conversions is a difficult task, but using Epicor Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) and BigCommerce can make it much easier. Together, these two platforms create a powerful solution to increase conversions and improve customer service.

Epicor ERP is a powerful and comprehensive enterprise resource planning system. It is designed to help organizations manage their finances, inventory, and customer relationships. With Epicor ERP, companies can automate back-office operations, optimize supply chain and inventory management, and access real-time data to make informed decisions.

Combined with BigCommerce, Epicor ERP helps retailers increase online conversions and customer satisfaction. BigCommerce is an eCommerce platform that helps retailers create an attractive online store. It enables merchants to easily create and configure product pages, process payments quickly, and store customer information securely. BigCommerce also allows retailers to increase user engagement through catalog customization, automated marketing, and split testing to identify and maximize conversion opportunities.

When combined, Epicor ERP and BigCommerce can provide a robust solution for increasing conversions. Both tools enable retailers to access customer data and insights to identify leads and potential upsell and cross-sell opportunities. They also support automated processes to streamline order processing, inventory management, shipping, and more. By combining the two systems, retailers can create personalized customer experiences that increase loyalty and ultimately improve conversion rates.

In addition, the combination of Epicor ERP and BigCommerce offers many other benefits. It enables retailers to use integrated analytics to track, measure, and optimize the performance of all channels. This helps them quickly identify conversion bottlenecks and areas for improvement. This also makes it easier to provide complete visibility into orders, ensuring a quick and accurate response to any customer inquiry.

Epicor ERP and BigCommerce are powerful tools for increasing online conversions. By combining the two, retailers can gain insights into customer data, automate order fulfillment and inventory management, and create personalized customer experiences. In this way, they can help businesses boost conversions and build a loyal customer base.

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