4 minute read

Organizing Multiple Apps: The Contentful Solution

In the current digital world, organizations are building multiple apps to improve customer experience and engagement. This often results in multiple apps competing for resources, leading to the complexity of their synchronized processes. To manage this complexity, many organizations are opting for Contentful, which provides the best solution for managing content for multiple apps in one space.

Contentful is a headless content management system enabling teams to manage content for digital products faster by providing an API-based approach. Contentful allows for a structured content model that can be made up of reusable content blocks. With Contentful, organizations can structure their content into respective fields and models, ensuring longevity, reliability, and consistency. The main benefit of Contentful is that it helps organizations create a library of content that can then be managed from a single space, versus having to manually update multiple app repositories.

With Contentful, each type of content, such as videos, images, audio, document files, etc., can be housed and updated within the single space. Contentful also lets teams treat their content like code. This means that content changes can be saved and tested, just like a code change, in order to ensure that the content changes are successful across multiple apps. Plus, since Contentful uses reusable blocks of content, users can leverage and reuse the same content across multiple apps in one space. This improves efficiency and reduces the development time for new digital products as well as updates to existing apps.

Contentful also works with systems such as Google Analytics to provide analytics across the multiple apps. With the analytics feature, users can gain insights into how content is performing across different apps. This helps in making quick decisions about which content works and which ones need reviewing for better performance.

In managing multiple apps in one space with Contentful, organizations benefit from quick development time, efficient content utilization, and seamless synchronization. Contentful provides a centralized space for managing content for multiple apps while streamlining the process and ensuring efficiency.

Want to get started on Contentful? Silk can help.