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Optimizing B2B Ecommerce with Contentful’s A/B Testing

A/B testing with Contentful for B2B eCommerce is a powerful tool that can help businesses optimize their website and ultimately get more conversions. Contentful helps identify potential opportunities and problem areas in web design so businesses can make improvements and maximize their success. With Contentful, businesses can quickly and easily run A/B tests, collect web data and analytics, and make strategic changes to their websites. Here’s how businesses can use Contentful for B2B eCommerce A/B testing:

Creating A/B Tests

The first step in using Contentful for A/B testing is to create the tests. Companies can easily set up an A/B test by integrating Contentful with apps like Optimizely to track the performance of two versions of the same web page. A/B tests can be set up to test different page elements, e.g. calls to action, page layouts, and content. Contentful also allows companies to create variations of the test to further evaluate the results.

Collect and track data

Once A/B tests are set up, companies can start collecting and tracking data. Contentful’s easy-to-use dashboard helps businesses see how their variants are performing in real time. It provides visual representations and analytics that help quickly identify patterns and results. This makes it easy to determine the success of certain elements of the web page and make changes accordingly.

Analyze results and optimize changes

Once the test is complete, Contentful provides companies with an overview of their results. Organizations then have the opportunity to analyze the data and determine what changes need to be made. This can range from changing the order of page elements to changing text, images, or color schemes.

With Contentful, businesses have the freedom to easily test and optimize their website with A/B testing. This approach allows companies to better understand their customers, identify opportunities and pain points, and increase conversions. Contentful makes it easy to run A/B tests, collect data, track results, and make strategic changes.

Want to get started on Contentful? Silk can help.