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Maximizing Cross-Promotions with Contentful for Adobe Commerce

Cross-promotions are an effective way to reach more audiences and increase your Adobe Commerce Store profits. With Contentful, you can easily set up cross promotion and display it throughout your store. Contentful is a content management platform that uses an API to make content available across platforms. In this article, we’ll show you how to set up and enable cross-promotions for your Adobe Commerce Store using Contentful.

The first step is to create a content type in Contentful. This is the content type you will use to store cross-promotion data. You need to specify the data fields you want to save, e.g. B.; Title, image, link and description. Now that you’ve created your content type, you can start adding items. When setting up cross promotions, you need to create content entries for each promotion you want to run.

The second step is to configure the Contentful view to display your ad. In Contentful, a view is a way to view a specific piece of content. Create a view with a set of fields that you want to display in cross-promotion. Once you’ve created a view, you can add it to the template your store uses to display items.

The third step is to enable embedding in Contentful. With embedding, you can easily display cross promotions on every page in your store. To do this, go to Contentful’s Embedded tab and click Add Embedded. Then select and save the created view. The fourth step is to add the embed to your store’s template. Go to the page where you want to show the cross-promotion and add the Contentful embed code. Now the cross promotion will be visible on the page.

These steps will show you how to enable cross-promotions on your Adobe Commerce Store using Contentful. Cross-promotions are an effective way to reach more audiences and increase your profits. Contentful makes it easy to set up and display cross promotions. Go ahead and start cross-promotion today!

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