3 minute read

Going Global with Contentful: Leveraging Localization and Internationalization for Ecommerce Success

Contentful is a powerful content management system (CMS) that supports the localization and internationalization of eCommerce content. It provides a way to create and manage content for web or mobile apps in multiple languages, driving international growth and providing a consistent customer experience. Localization and internationalization are essential for eCommerce sites.

Localization involves customizing content related to language, time, custom text, images, currency, statistics, and more to reach a larger national and regional audience.

Internationalization is the process of making content available in multiple languages.

Contentful makes it easy to deliver localized content to customers around the world. The Contentful unified content model is the key to streamlining the localization and internationalization process. It provides a unified platform for users to create and manage content in multiple languages, eliminating the need to duplicate content entries for each language. The Contentful Content Delivery Network (CDN) also facilitates the rapid delivery of localized content across multiple channels.

Contentful offers a powerful set of tools designed to simplify the internationalization and localization process. For example, Contentful is integrated with Smartling, a translation platform that allows users to edit and publish localized versions of content in different markets with a single click. Contentful also allows users to define content fields for each region, allowing them to optimize content for specific regions.

Contentful enables eCommerce companies to build global customer engagement by providing a consistent customer experience. Contentful’s powerful content management tools and integration with Smartling make it easy to manage and optimize localized content for each market. This allows companies to quickly expand their reach and take advantage of international markets.

Want to get started on Contentful? Silk can help.