3 minute read

Building an Effective BigCommerce Model with Contentful

In this guide, we will walk you through the process of leveraging Contentful to optimize your BigCommerce store, from setting up the integration to managing product data, customizing content, and driving conversions.

Step 1: BigCommerce Store Setup – The best way to get started is to create an account with BigCommerce and follow the instructions to set up your store.

Step 2: Connect BigCommerce to Contentful – In order for BigCommerce to communicate with Contentful, it is necessary to connect both systems. This is done by creating an API key in Contentful and then linking it to your BigCommerce store.

Step 3: Create Products in Contentful – Once the connection between BigCommerce and Contentful is established, the next step is to create product-specific data in Contentful. This includes everything from prices and images to product categories and product descriptions.

Step 4: Import Products and Content to BigCommerce – The next step is to import the product data and content created in Contentful into your BigCommerce store. Just use the BigCommerce import feature to upload your content.

Step 5: Set up Contentful to Communicate with BigCommerce – Before your store can start selling products, you need to set up Contentful and BigCommerce. This requires setting up inventory and prices for each product, as well as setting up authorization and payment gateways.

Step 6: Monitor BigCommerce Performance – The final step in developing an effective BigCommerce store is to monitor your store performance. This includes sales tracking, customer reviews, website traffic, and other analytics to help measure your store’s success.

Want to get started on Contentful? Silk can help.