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Breaking Language Barriers: Localize Your Marketing Content with Contentful

If your company is looking for ways to make product marketing content available in multiple languages, Contentful can help. Localization is an increasingly important part of any modern marketing strategy and Contentful offers an easy and affordable way to achieve it.

Contentful is a content management system (CMS) that allows users to store and manage digital content. It allows users to create, view, and publish content and make it available in multiple languages. This provides the localization Contentful users need for effective and efficient product marketing.

Contentful provides users with a comprehensive localization dashboard that provides insight into their content and helps them build a localization workflow to manage processes and deadlines for global teams. This dashboard includes translated content in its own column, the ability to view translated content in context, and search for translated terms. The dashboard also contains useful statistics that provide insight into which locales have been processed and which translations are being used.

Contentful allows users to create translation rules that dictate how specific content should be localized. Custom rules can be created for each content section, allowing Contentful users to define them once and apply them to multiple pieces of content.

Contentful also includes an efficient workflow automation tool that allows users to easily define sub-tasks and notifications like when a content update is complete or when a translation is completed. This ensures a streamlined translation process that saves time and hassle.

Contentful supports the localization of product marketing content in many languages, including Spanish, French, German, Portuguese, Russian, Chinese, and Japanese. Contentful is an easy-to-use solution for companies looking for localized product marketing content in multiple languages.

Using Contentful’s localization dashboard, translation rules, and workflow automation, users can quickly create and distribute product marketing content in multiple languages to reach global audiences. With Contentful, companies can easily localize their product marketing content to reach an international audience.

Want to get started on Contentful? Silk can help.