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Increase B2B Sales by Using Crypto on BigCommerce

The world of business-to-business (B2B) sales has been revolutionized by the introduction of cryptocurrency. For businesses using BigCommerce, adding cryptocurrency as a payment option is a great way to increase sales and stay competitive in the marketplace. In this article, we will explore how businesses can use cryptocurrency on BigCommerce to increase B2B sales.

First, it is important to understand the benefits of using cryptocurrency. Cryptocurrency transactions are faster and more secure than traditional methods and are not subject to the same fees or regulations. This means that companies that accept cryptocurrency can make more money and provide better customer service.

Additionally, many consumers prefer using cryptocurrency over traditional payment methods and often look for companies that accept it. Therefore, adding cryptocurrency as a payment option can attract new customers and increase sales. To use cryptocurrency with BigCommerce, businesses must find a suitable cryptocurrency payment processor. There are many processors that offer BigCommerce support, such as CoinGate, BitPay, and GoCoin. Once a processor is selected, businesses must configure it in BigCommerce. This usually involves uploading the processor’s public and private keys and setting conversion rates.

In addition to setting up a cryptocurrency payment processor, businesses should also ensure that customers can select the cryptocurrency option at checkout. You can do this by selecting the cryptocurrency option on the BigCommerce checkout page and adjusting the customer amount accordingly.

By following these steps, businesses can easily add cryptocurrency as a payment option and make it easier for customers to choose. Using cryptocurrency with BigCommerce can be a great way for businesses to increase B2B sales. Cryptocurrency transactions are secure and fast, which makes them attractive to customers. Additionally, businesses can earn more and provide better customer service by accepting cryptocurrency. By finding the right cryptocurrency processor and making it available on the checkout page, businesses can easily add cryptocurrency and see more sales.

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