3 minute read

How Many Accounts Can I Have on BigCommerce B2B?

Today’s businesses are looking to streamline their operations and increase revenues by leveraging technology, especially through eCommerce solutions like BigCommerce. BigCommerce is a popular eCommerce platform used by many different companies, both large and small, to help them manage their online stores. One way BigCommerce differentiates itself from the competition is its B2B edition, which is designed to support deeper customizations and integrations for businesses. However, the question is: how many accounts can you create in this edition? The answer to this question is quite simple.

BigCommerce B2B allows businesses to create an unlimited number of accounts, each with its own profile, customer types, and ordering preferences. This means companies can provide all their customers with a personalized experience, making it much easier to track and manage large customer accounts. BigCommerce B2B offers integrations with popular payment gateways such as PayPal and Stripe, as well as support for leading accounting and CRM solutions. Additionally, companies can connect their store to existing ERP systems to streamline operations and manage large orders.

Another key feature of BigCommerce B2B is the ability to segment customers. Thanks to this, companies can reach different groups of recipients with specific products or services. For example, companies can target large companies with customized promotions and discounts, or offer special services or training to smaller companies.

Finally, companies can tailor BigCommerce B2B to their specific needs. They can select the features they want to turn on or off, and customize the design and look to suit their brand. Companies can also create custom pricing rules and discount rules, giving them full control over their pricing strategies.

Overall, it’s clear that BigCommerce offers a lot of customization and flexibility for B2B companies. With unlimited account options and a variety of customization options, businesses can create the perfect online store that drives sales growth and is tailored to their specific needs.

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