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Best Practices for Migrating to Adobe Commerce

Adobe Commerce, formerly known as Magento Commerce, is the leading eCommerce platform for businesses of all sizes. With its intuitive interface, shopping cart software, and secure payment processing features, Adobe Commerce is a popular choice for online retailers. However, many businesses struggle to migrate from an existing eCommerce platform to Adobe Commerce. Fortunately, there are some best practices that companies can follow to ensure a successful migration.

First, companies should create a detailed migration plan. A plan will help ensure that the migration process is smooth and seamless and that no important information or settings are lost during the migration. Businesses should create a timeline and checklist of the steps they need to take to successfully migrate to Adobe Commerce, from researching and evaluating the platform to designing, testing, and launching the new store.

Second, companies should ensure they thoroughly understand the existing system before attempting a migration. This includes understanding the capabilities, limitations, and configurable settings of the existing system. The more knowledge a company has about the existing system, the easier the transition to Adobe Commerce will be.

Third, companies should plan data migration to ensure that customer data and other important information is not lost during the transition. Companies should also take steps to ensure the security of customer data during the migration.

Finally, companies should consider involving external parties in the migration process. Hiring a vendor or technology partner to help with the migration can make the entire process much easier and help reduce the risk of potential problems. Such supplier or partner must have a proven track record and specific experience in Adobe Commerce.

A successful migration to Adobe Commerce requires careful planning and preparation. By following the steps outlined above and involving the right partners, you can ensure a smooth and successful transition. Businesses looking to take advantage of the features and capabilities of Adobe Commerce should consider these best practices during their migration process.

Ready to grow on Adobe Commerce? Silk Can Help.