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Adobe Commerce and Third-Party Services Using Webhooks

Webhooks allow your application to maintain connections to third-party services. With the introduction of Adobe Commerce, modern eCommerce stores gained access to a powerful open-source platform that gives merchants access to more advanced features and functionality. While webhooks have become a popular way to connect one service to another, Adobe Commerce does not offer native webhook integration. Webhooks enable two-way interaction between Adobe Commerce and a third-party service, without having to constantly consult and request the other service. They can enable efficient data sharing and real-time updates without burdening the customer with additional work.

The good news is that Adobe Commerce stores can add webhook integration thanks to third-party services. There are several software services available, such as CitizenNet and Webhook.sh, that provide the tools needed to build a webhook integration with Adobe Commerce. Using these services, customers can integrate Adobe Commerce with popular third-party services such as Shopify, Google Analytics, Facebook Ads, and more. This gives them the opportunity to gain a unified view of customer data and automate common processes. For example, a store can use webhook integration to sync customer data from Adobe Commerce with Google Analytics. This allows them to track customer activity, segment audiences for targeting, and better understand customer behavior.

In summary, webhooks are a great way to add a layer of automation to Adobe Commerce stores. While Adobe Commerce doesn’t offer native webhook integration, third-party services do provide the necessary tools to make this possible. By using webhooks, Adobe Commerce customers can better integrate their store with other popular services and gain deeper insight into their customers.

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