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GDPR Compliance With Adobe Commerce and Epicor P21

In the world of eCommerce, data protection has become a top priority in recent years. With the introduction of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) in the European Union (EU), businesses around the world are faced with the challenge of complying with stringent data protection measures. This is especially true for distributors who process a large amount of their customers’ personal data. In this blog post, we describe how distributors are managing GDPR compliance with Adobe Commerce and Epicor P21.

GDPR is a regulation that aims to strengthen and unify data protection for everyone in the EU. This applies not only to companies located in the EU, but also to companies outside the EU that process the personal data of EU residents. This means that distributors who have customers in the EU must comply with GDPR.

One of the most important ways that distributors manage GDPR compliance is by ensuring that they only collect and process the personal data of their customers that is necessary. This includes obtaining the customer’s consent to use their personal data, providing access to and correction of their data, and deleting data upon request. These requirements can be easily managed with Adobe Commerce and Epicor P21.

Adobe Commerce is a popular eCommerce platform that offers a range of features for online businesses. It offers built-in GDPR compliance management tools, such as data encryption and GDPR consent and data access forms. These tools allow distributors to easily comply with GDPR regulations and protect their customers’ personal data.

Epicor P21, on the other hand, is a leading enterprise resource planning (ERP) software that helps companies manage various aspects of their business, including data management. P21 provides features such as data masking, encryption, and access controls, which are essential for GDPR compliance. These tools help distributors protect their customers’ personal data and prevent unauthorized access.

In addition to these features, both Adobe Commerce and Epicor P21 offer regular updates and support to ensure their software is GDPR compliant. This allows distributors to stay ahead of any changes and new requirements.

In summary, distributors can easily achieve GDPR compliance by leveraging the power of Adobe Commerce and Epicor P21. These software solutions not only provide the necessary tools and features to protect data, but also provide ongoing support and updates to ensure businesses are GDPR compliant. As distributors continue to prioritize data protection, investing in these tools can help them build customer trust and loyalty while avoiding penalties for noncompliance.

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