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Strategies for Customizing B2B Order Workflows on Shopify

Shopify is a popular eCommerce platform that allows businesses of all sizes to sell their products and services online. While it is primarily designed for B2C (business-to-consumer) transactions, more and more B2B (business-to-business) businesses are also considering using Shopify to manage their sales. However, B2B order workflows can be more complex and require more customization compared to B2C transactions. In this blog post, we take a look at how developers can extend Shopify’s functionality to accommodate the complex workflows associated with B2B orders.

One of the biggest challenges when using Shopify for B2B transactions is the lack of support for tiered pricing. This means that businesses cannot set different price levels for different customers, which is a common practice in B2B transactions. To solve this problem, developers can use Shopify’s app marketplace to add custom pricing apps that allow businesses to set specific prices for different groups of customers. This can greatly simplify the B2B order flow, as businesses can easily set custom prices for their customers without having to manually customize them.

Another feature often needed in B2B transactions is the ability to set minimum order quantities and enforce them during the checkout process. This is important for wholesale businesses because it ensures they don’t lose money on smaller orders. Developers can create custom apps or integrations with Shopify’s inventory management tools to set and enforce minimum order quantities. This helps businesses streamline their B2B order flow by ensuring that orders are fulfilled that are profitable for them.

In B2B transactions, businesses often have different payment terms for their customers, such as net30 or net60. While Shopify offers some payment options, they may not be suitable for all B2B businesses. Developers can integrate custom payment gateways or create apps that allow businesses to set different payment terms for their customers. This streamlines the B2B ordering process, providing more flexibility and convenience for both the business and its customers.

Finally, B2B businesses can have complex shipping requirements, such as splitting an order or shipping different methods based on location and order value. Shopify offers a few basic shipping options, but for more advanced features, developers can create custom apps or use existing apps through the Shopify app marketplace. These apps can help businesses automate their shipping processes, reducing manual work and potential errors.

Ready to expand your B2B business with Shopify Plus? Silk Can Help.