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Epicor P21’s Built-In Dashboards for Customer Portal

Epicor P21 is a popular enterprise resource planning (ERP) software that helps companies manage operations and improve processes. One of the key features is the customer portal, which allows customers to access important information and interact with the company. As digital technology evolves, companies are constantly looking for ways to optimize their online presence and improve customer service. This brings us to the question: Are there built-in dashboards in the Epicor P21 Customer Portal to monitor portal performance? To answer this question, we first need to understand the role of a dashboard in software.

A dashboard is a graphical user interface that provides visualizations of real-time data and key performance indicators (KPIs), helping users monitor and track metrics. In the context of a customer portal, a dashboard would enable companies to evaluate the portal’s performance in terms of usage, engagement, and overall customer satisfaction.

The good news is that Epicor P21 actually offers integrated dashboards in its customer portal. These dashboards are designed to help businesses gain valuable insight into the performance of their portals and make informed decisions to improve their online presence. Dashboards are easily accessed through the customer portal, so users can stay up to date on portal performance.

One of the most important dashboards in the customer portal is the “usage dashboard”. This dashboard provides a detailed overview of various portal activities such as customer registrations, orders, deliveries, and invoices. This data helps companies understand the level of engagement and usage of their portal and identify opportunities for improvement.

Another important dashboard is the “Customer Satisfaction Dashboard”. This dashboard provides a snapshot of customer satisfaction based on customer reviews and feedback. This allows companies to track customer sentiment and address any concerns to improve overall satisfaction. Epicor P21 also offers custom dashboards that can be personalized according to your company’s specific needs. These dashboards can be customized to track specific KPIs, providing a more personalized view of your portal’s performance.

To summarize, the Epicor P21 Customer Portal offers built-in dashboards that help companies monitor and track portal performance. These dashboards provide valuable insight into customer usage, engagement, and satisfaction, helping companies make data-driven decisions to improve their online presence. As the digital world evolves, businesses need to have access to real-time data, and with built-in dashboards in the customer portal, Epicor P21 delivers just that.

Ready to boost sales with the Epicor P21 Customer Portal?