3 minute read

Custom Shipping Options with Shopify Plus Scripts

If you currently run your online store on Shopify Plus, you probably already know the many benefits that come with this top-rated eCommerce platform. Not only does it provide all the essential features and tools to help you run a successful online business, but it also offers advanced functionality through the scripting feature.

Scripts on Shopify Plus let you add custom code to your store’s checkout and cart pages, creating unique and personalized experiences for your customers. One way to achieve this is to offer customized shipping options, which can give you a competitive advantage and increase your sales.

So let’s see how you can use Shopify Plus scripts to create custom shipping options for your online store.

First, you need to log in to your Shopify Plus account and navigate to the Scripts section under the Online Store tab. Once you’re there, you can create a new script or edit an existing script. Next, you need to select the “Shipping” option and click on the “Add Shipping Script” button. This will open the script editor where you can add your custom code.

Now, if you want to create a custom shipping option, you’ll need to use Shopify’s fluid markup language, which allows you to interact and change the details of your store. You can use conditions, loops, and other logic to determine when to display the custom shipping option and associated shipping costs and prices. For example, you can use a condition that shows the custom shipping option only if the customer’s order contains certain products or if the order total exceeds a certain amount.

Additionally, you can also offer free shipping on specific products or to specific locations through scripts. The possibilities are endless and the best part is that you have complete control over what you can offer your customers.

Once you’ve coded your custom shipping option, you can save it and try it out on your store’s checkout page. If everything works as expected, you can activate the script and offer your customers your custom shipping option.

In short, Shopify Plus scripts provide a powerful way to customize your store and create unique experiences for your customers. Using it to create custom shipping options can help you stand out from your competitors and offer your customers a more personalized shopping experience. So just give it a try and see what impact it can have on your online business.

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