2.5 minute read

Shopify Plus and Traffic Spikes: Hosting Solutions

Shopify Plus is an eCommerce platform designed for large, high-volume online businesses that need a comprehensive solution to manage their online store. With Shopify Plus, businesses can get started quickly and easily without having to worry about the technical details of setting up and hosting a website.

But what happens when things don’t go as planned and website visits suddenly spike? How does Shopify Plus handle hosting during traffic spikes? Shopify Plus uses a “managed hosting provider” to ensure that hosting is always up to date and reliable when you need it most. With this managed hosting setup, you don’t have to worry about the complexities of setting up and monitoring your own hosting server; the managed hosting provider will arrange this for you.

If you experience an increase in website visits, Shopify Plus is designed to scale your website to meet all the needs that come with this unexpected increase in website traffic. This is achieved through a combination of flexible load balancing and robust caching systems, so your website pages are responsive and your customers don’t have to wait for pages to load before they can complete their transactions.

Not only can Shopify Plus scale to handle more website traffic, but it can also be scaled back when the unexpected surge subsides. This saves you on hosting costs because you only pay for what you use. In times of low data traffic, you can rely on hosting costs not being unnecessarily high.

Overall, Shopify Plus is very reliable and you don’t have to worry about your website going down if you experience unpredictable spikes in website visits. The managed hosting provider takes care of all the technical details for you, and Shopify Plus is designed to scale up or down accordingly, so your website is always running smoothly and your customers don’t have to wait for pages to load.

Ready to grow on Shopify Plus? Silk Can Help.