2 minute read

API Rate Limits for Shopify Plus

API bid caps are an important aspect of Shopify Plus, an enterprise-level solution for businesses selling online. API requests are made daily to access data from Shopify and third-party services. These requests must be managed carefully to keep the system running efficiently. Shopify Plus has specific API rate limits for its users to ensure the service remains accessible and consistent for everyone.

Shopify Plus has set bid limits based on the type of request you make. The highest rate is 10,000 requests per minute for each store, with subsequent reductions depending on the type of request. For example, file downloads have a speed limit of 1,000 requests per minute. Shopify Plus also has special bid limits for certain requests, such as customer requests and inventory.

Shopify Plus is designed to manage high volumes of requests. This is especially useful for companies that are experiencing strong sales growth or offer seasonal items. By limiting bids, businesses can be sure that their store will continue to run smoothly, even with heavy traffic. Interest rate limits are, of course, not a substitute for good management practices.

Companies should strive to follow best practices when it comes to managing API calls. This means you keep track of incoming requests, check whether they are within your rate limits, and adjust your rate if necessary.

Overall, Shopify Plus has implemented API rate limits to ensure that all users have a consistent experience on the platform. By using quotas, businesses can ensure their stores run smoothly in high-traffic situations. Additionally, companies can leverage best practices to manage API calls and ensure they stay within rate limits.

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