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Adobe Commerce Architecture: Exploring Session Management

Session management within the Adobe Commerce architecture is an important aspect in online stores and essential to providing a secure and reliable experience to customers. Adobe Commerce is an eCommerce platform built for fast and flexible deployment of online stores. It is designed to handle complex web applications and offers a range of features designed to help online store owners quickly set up a successful and efficient eCommerce business.

Designed to enable scalability, performance, and security, the Adobe Commerce session management process is based on the creation of software stacks designed to handle the high volume of user requests in an orderly and timely manner. This process is accomplished through a memory cache layer (MCL), a software layer that allows store owners to manage their session data. The MCL process helps ensure the security of sensitive client data while providing a way to efficiently scale the session storage system to handle larger client loads.

The Adobe Commerce architecture also includes a comprehensive security system, which handles session management through data encryption. All user data is stored in a secure data center and only authorized people have access to it.

Adobe Commerce also offers a “session token,” which securely stores customer authentication information and prevents people from accessing user accounts without prior permission. Additionally, Adobe Commerce allows online store owners to adjust their session timeouts and enforce two-factor authentication (2FA).

On top of that, Adobe Commerce provides administration features that allow store owners to view, modify, and end user sessions. This helps streamline the administration process and reduces the risk of fraud and unauthorized access. Additionally, store owners can take advantage of Adobe Commerce’s security settings policy, which ensures that all web-related activities are subject to strict security requirements.

Overall, Adobe Commerce provides a robust session management system designed to ensure the security and reliability of online stores. With its advanced security, scalability, and performance, Adobe Commerce is the perfect platform for business owners who need a secure, reliable, and easy-to-use eCommerce solution.

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