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Securing Your Adobe Commerce Hosting

Adobe Commerce is a powerful eCommerce platform that can help businesses create complex and customized online stores. To maximize the full functionality of the platform and ensure a secure online environment, security measures must be implemented to protect the host and the client. Here are five security measures to consider when hosting Adobe Commerce.

Use HTTPS for all pages: It is important to ensure that all Adobe Commerce store pages run over an HTTPS connection. HTTPS provides an additional layer of security and protects against phishing or eavesdropping attacks. Using HTTPS also increases visibility in search engine rankings, making it easier for customers to find your store.

Update Adobe Commerce regularly: New security updates for Adobe Commerce are released periodically. It is important to stay on top of the latest security features. This not only ensures that the website functions as intended, but also helps protect it against malicious attacks.

Choose secure payment gateways: The chosen payment gateway should provide maximum security to ensure that customer data is not compromised. Introducing payment platforms such as PayPal or Stripe is a safe way to ensure complete data and transaction protection.

Use strong passwords: It is important to use strong passwords for all user accounts. This includes both administrator accounts and user accounts. For administrator accounts, it is recommended that you use passwords that are 12 or more characters long and include upper and lower case letters, special characters, and numbers.

Monitor website activity: It is important to monitor website activity to detect suspicious behavior. This can be done with the help of security auditing tools that can raise alerts in case of malicious attempts on the website.

Adobe Commerce is a powerful platform, but security is an important factor to consider. Implementing the security measures above and staying up to date with the latest updates can help keep the host and its customers safe while using Adobe Commerce.

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