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Tracking Sales with Adobe Commerce Tools

Adobe Commerce (formerly Magento) is a powerful eCommerce platform that allows businesses to create a custom online store, track sales, and optimize their operations. It includes a range of tools designed to help sellers manage their eCommerce activities and track sales to get the most out of their investments.

Adobe Experience Cloud is the foundational platform that helps companies track sales and optimize their websites. It has a wide range of features that allow sellers to monitor their online store’s performance and customer behavior. Some of the main tracking tools used in Adobe Commerce are Analytics, real-time reporting, and commerce statistics. Analytics allow sellers to track and understand customer behavior, convert more leads, and improve customer retention. Real-time reports show retailers where their customers are coming from, what products and services are popular, and insight into user behavior. With Commerce Insights, sellers can gain greater insight into their sales performance, marketing development, and inventory levels. It also has forecasting capabilities, giving sellers valuable insight into their future success.

In addition, Adobe Commerce offers advanced tracking tools such as advanced order management, advanced inventory management, and advanced reporting. These tools help sellers stay on top of inventory levels, customer orders, sales patterns, and more. Advanced order management allows sellers to quickly review orders, track shipment status, and manage returns and refunds. Advanced inventory management allows sellers to track inventory replenishment levels and make quick decisions about inventory levels. With advanced reporting, sellers can gain deep insight into their customer base, sales results, and overall business performance.

The tracking and optimization capabilities of Adobe Commerce software give sellers the insight and data they need to understand their customers and optimize their operations. With the right tracking and optimization tools, sellers can make smarter decisions to increase profits and gain greater insight into their business.

Ready to grow on Adobe Commerce? Silk Can Help.