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BigCommerce Tools for B2B Analytics

Analytics for B2B (business-to-business) companies is an essential tool that allows organizations to measure the effectiveness of their operations and make necessary changes. BigCommerce, an eCommerce platform, provides a powerful set of B2B analytics tools that help businesses track and evaluate their performance.

One of the most popular tools that BigCommerce offers is the market analysis tool. This tool allows companies to obtain information about customer behavior and competitor activities. For example, a market intelligence tool provides valuable information about the markets where customers are located, what types of products they buy, how much they spend, and how often they make purchases. This data helps organizations make more informed decisions about pricing, introducing new products, expanding offerings, and more.

BigCommerce also offers a dashboard analytics tool that allows users to quickly and effectively monitor data-driven performance metrics. It has features that allow users to access key metrics such as total sales, bounce rates, conversions, and more. This tool is easy to use and provides a simple way to get insights into how customers interact with your company’s website.

In addition to the market intelligence tool and dashboard analysis tool, BigCommerce provides a cross-channel performance tool. This tool provides companies with comprehensive knowledge about the effectiveness of their products and services in various sales channels. It also helps users attribute and track sales from multiple channels to measure performance.

Finally, BigCommerce also provides a store trend tracker that complements other analytics offerings. This subscription-based tool allows users to see top trends in competing stores to make informed decisions about necessary changes.

BigCommerce offers a complete set of B2B analytics tools that are all useful for understanding customer behavior and performance metrics. Therefore, companies can use this data to make more informed decisions, improve the customer experience and maximize their profitability.

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