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Create Approval Workflows for B2B Orders on BigCommerce

Business-to-business (B2B) eCommerce customers often require a more robust and customized shopping experience compared to business-to-consumer (B2C) customers. In BigCommerce, sellers have the ability to configure B2B order approval workflows, providing their customers with a seamless and integrated ordering process. By customizing order approval processes, sellers can automate the communication and authentication steps required to process and fulfill orders in a timely and secure manner. Before setting up approval processes in BigCommerce, sellers should understand some of the features and benefits of the solution.

BigCommerce’s automated approval workflow feature allows sellers to create very specific order approval criteria. This may include the delivery address, payment option, order total, and customer group. Sellers can also define order success and failure conditions, as well as email notifications that will be sent in case of order success or rejection.

Another useful feature for B2B order management is the ability to create roles and permissions. Merchants can assign any number of roles and permissions to team members to give the appropriate users the necessary access to view, manage, and even approve their customers’ orders. Sellers can also configure payment terms for orders, allowing customers to pay for their purchases after a predetermined period of time.

Setting up B2B order approval workflows in BigCommerce not only simplifies the purchasing process, but also helps reduce costs. By streamlining the authentication process, sellers can dramatically reduce the time and resources spent manually verifying orders. Additionally, with automated payment terms, merchants can minimize or even eliminate credit risk, enabling them to manage cash flow more efficiently.

To summarize, BigCommerce offers sellers a comprehensive solution for setting up workflows to approve B2B orders from customers. With tools such as configurable order criteria, roles and permissions, and payment terms, merchants can offer their customers streamlined and cost-effective order processing. Using approval processes can help merchants provide their customers with an integrated and secure shopping experience while reducing time and resources spent manually authenticating orders.

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