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What B2B Integrations Does BigCommerce Provide?

The introduction of technology into the business world brought us the concept of B2B (business-to-business) integration. Specifically, B2B is the process of connecting two or more companies, enabling them to exchange information, automate processes, and digitally streamline their operations. BigCommerce is a leading eCommerce platform offering a wide range of integrations for B2B companies. In this article, we’ll discuss the various B2B integrations offered by BigCommerce to help your business reach its full potential.

For starters, BigCommerce offers integration with popular software solutions like QuickBooks, Salesforce, and Microsoft Dynamics. By integrating these software solutions with BigCommerce, companies can automate administrative tasks such as inventory management, financial data analysis, and customer relationship management. BigCommerce also offers integration with services such as Amazon Marketplace, eBay, and Google Shopping, enabling businesses to expand their customer base and increase sales.

Also, BigCommerce offers a range of tools to simplify the process of establishing and managing B2B connections. For example, an order splitter tool allows companies to split orders into separate packages based on customer specifications. This feature makes it easy to automate order fulfillment from one central location and saves you time and money. On top of that, BigCommerce offers customers a range of “buy now” options, such as the ability to purchase products directly from the company’s website or through its integrated eCommerce platform.

Finally, BigCommerce offers integration with major payment gateways such as Authorize.net, PayPal, Stripe, and others. Thanks to this, customers can pay securely anywhere and anytime. BigCommerce also offers integration with analytics services such as Google Analytics and Adobe Analytics, which help businesses track sales performance and improve marketing strategies.

In short, BigCommerce offers a variety of B2B integrations for businesses of all sizes. By using these features, companies can save time and money, increase revenue, and streamline the way they manage their business. Integrating BigCommerce into your business can help you make more informed decisions and keep up with the ever-changing market.

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