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Navigating P21: Insights into Viewing Special Pricing

Special pricing is a key feature of Epicor Prophet 21 (P21) that allows businesses to customize the prices of products and services for specific customers. This feature gives companies a competitive advantage by allowing them to adjust prices based on customer expectations and needs. Displaying special customer pricing on P21 is a simple process that allows companies to offer competitive pricing models that meet customer needs and drive increased sales.

The first step to show special prices with P21 is to use the price request window. This window can be accessed from the main window by selecting the “Prices” tab and then clicking the “Query” button.

After entering a customer’s account number, the next step is to click the price table button to view the prices the customer will be charged for the products. This window shows the default price group assigned to the customer, the item purchased, and the total price calculated based on the quantity and cost of the item.

The next step is to click on the “Special” tab to see all the special pricing options created for that customer. If custom prices have been created for the customer, they will appear here. Adjustments can be made by clicking the edit button to enter a new price to ensure that the updated price reflects customer expectations. If necessary, a new special price for the customer can also be created via the “Add” button.

While viewing special prices on P21 is a relatively simple process, it’s important to regularly review all prices. This helps ensure that customers are not overcharged and that the most up-to-date pricing information is always available. If changes are made to the customer’s standard price groups or special prices, these must be updated in the price table window before the final sale is complete. This helps ensure accuracy and maintain customer satisfaction.

By using the special pricing feature in P21, businesses can offer their customers unique pricing options that meet their needs and expectations. By following the steps outlined above, businesses in P21 can quickly and easily view special pricing information for customers, ensuring they can offer competitive pricing models for maximum profitability.

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