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Enhancing Customer Experience with Epicor Commerce Connect

Great customer service is critical to the success of any business. To provide customers with a seamless, efficient and enjoyable shopping experience, retailers need to invest in robust eCommerce solution that helps retailers improve the customer experience with advanced features and tools.

This software leverages Epicor Commerce Connect (ECC) to help retailers deliver an integrated customer experience beyond traditional eCommerce. ECC is designed to enable retailers to quickly and easily implement processes and features on their existing retail sites. This is done through a series of integration processes, including customer testimonials, product reviews, upselling, cross selling, loyalty programs, coupon codes, and more. With this software, retailers can provide relevant, personalized experiences to customers and streamline their purchasing process. This in turn increases customer satisfaction and loyalty. In addition to the features offered by Epicor Commerce Connect, retailers can also take advantage of many other eCommerce integrations to further improve the customer experience.

For example, retailers can integrate their eCommerce platform with payment solutions, CRM systems, analytics tools, loyalty programs and more. These integrations allow retailers to quickly and easily collect customer data that can be used to personalize experiences and improve customer satisfaction.

The combination of Epicor Commerce Connect and eCommerce integration is essential to improve the customer experience. By investing in these software solutions, retailers can quickly and easily implement processes and features that enhance their customer’s journey. This, in turn, can improve satisfaction, increase sales and gain loyal customers.

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