3 minute read

How to Customize Epicor Configurators for Ecommerce

Customizing the Epicor configurator can be daunting, but it doesn’t have to be. With the right guidance and knowledge, it’s easy to create the perfect solution for your business. The Epicor Configurator makes it easy to customize your eCommerce platform to get exactly what you need.

The first step in customizing the Epicor Configurator is to determine the type of e-commerce platform you will be using. Epicor Configurator integrates with many popular eCommerce solutions, so it’s important to research and decide which platform best suits your needs.

After choosing a platform, the next step is to map which categories will be used in the configurator and how they will interact with each other. This includes specifying the characteristics of each category, the relationships between categories, and any complex rules that may need to be applied to orders and product views.

The next step is to customize the options for each category. For example, if you sell furniture, you can include categories such as size, color, material, and pattern. Within these categories, you can set options such as different sizes, colors, and materials. You can also set up additional features like filters and search capabilities to make it easier for customers to find what they’re looking for.

Once the installation is complete, you can start testing your configuration. This requires testing different categories and making sure that all rules work correctly. You can also test the payment process to make sure it works properly and gives customers access to the products they need.

Finally, you can use the configurator. This includes setting up your Epicor account, making sure the configurator is working, and connecting it to your eCommerce platform. Once everything is set up, you can start using it and customize it to your needs.

Customizing the Epicor configurator doesn’t have to be a daunting task. With the right guidance and resources, you can easily configure your eCommerce solution to get exactly what you need. With the right setup, you can ensure successful operations and maximize the potential of your platform. Good luck!

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