3 minute read

Invoice Accessibility in Epicor: A Deep Dive into User Roles and Permissions

Using Epicor for enterprise resource planning (ERP) in your company can bring significant benefits. One of the main benefits is the ability to easily grant access to selected parts of the system to selected users, which allows your company to increase the security of sensitive information and documents.

In this article, we will focus on managing user roles and permissions in Epicor’s invoice viewing system.

First you need to assign each user a specific role in the company. This determines the type of user access to the ERP system and the parts of the system to which they have access.

Different companies may also assign different roles to employees. For example, one user may have a billing role that has access to invoices and payment information, while another user may have an administrator role that has access to any part of the system.

Once the user’s role has been established, allow the user to view specific invoices. This can be done through the system administration settings where you can choose which users can view which invoices. For example, the invoice issuer may have access to all invoices, while the admin can only view invoices related to his department.

Once a user has obtained permissions, it is important that they are up to date. The system should alert you to any changes or updates with user consent, so you can rest assured that your billing information is always safe. Also, make sure that access is revoked for any user who no longer needs it.

Managing user roles and permissions in Epicor’s invoice viewing ERP system is important to keep customer data and payment information secure. It’s also important to keep up to date with any user access updates to ensure that only the right people are viewing the right invoices. By following these simple steps, you can ensure that your company effectively manages user profiles and permissions.

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